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There are steps you can take to make sure your screened enclosure is storm ready. Here are 4 tips to help you prepare.

It’s that time of year again. Hurricane season is upon us. Living in Florida we know all too well the importance of hurricane preparation. After gathering the essentials like water, batteries, non-perishable food items, etc. There are steps you can take to make sure your screened enclosure is storm ready. Here are 4 tips to help you prepare:

Tip #1

Be sure to check your enclosures braces and make sure they are properly secured. The Florida weather conditions can allow rust to flourish. Make sure that your enclosure is built with stainless steel screws. If it isn't and your screws are rusted or pulling up be sure to give us a call to replace them.

Tip #2

Bring any patio furniture or loose items inside your house or garage.

Gather up your items such as patio furniture, potted plants, decor, and trash cans, which can quickly blow over or fly away. Remember, if it is not properly secured or stored these items can quickly become deadly projectiles that have the potential to cause a great deal of damage to not only your own home and property but also that of your neighbors.

Tip #3

Trim any overhanging tree branches and clear the yard of debris that could be tossed around during the storm.

Cut back any damaged limbs or ones that are hanging over your porch, screen enclosure, or sunroom. You want to cut back all main branches away from your home and other areas to reduce the danger. If you notice a limb or branch that might have decayed or you fear it poses a danger to your home, then you need to trim it back.

Tip #4

Prep the Pool your enclosure is protecting

Do not drain your pool. Keeping it filled with water allows it to withstand the pressure of groundwater and wind. If your pool uses chlorine, add an extra dose to the pool before the storm. Power down all pool equipment and the circuit breakers that feed them.

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